Chapter Introduction | |
E04ABF | Minimum, function of one variable using function values only |
E04BBF | Minimum, function of one variable, using first derivative |
E04CCF | Unconstrained minimum, simplex algorithm, function of several variables using function values only (comprehensive) |
E04DGF | Unconstrained minimum, preconditioned conjugate gradient algorithm, function of several variables using first derivatives (comprehensive) |
E04DJF | Read optional parameter values for E04DGF from external file |
E04DKF | Supply optional parameter values to E04DGF |
E04FCF | Unconstrained minimum of a sum of squares, combined Gauss--Newton and modified Newton algorithm using function values only (comprehensive) |
E04FYF | Unconstrained minimum of a sum of squares, combined Gauss--Newton and modified Newton algorithm using function values only (easy-to-use) |
E04GBF | Unconstrained minimum of a sum of squares, combined Gauss--Newton and quasi-Newton algorithm using first derivatives (comprehensive) |
E04GDF | Unconstrained minimum of a sum of squares, combined Gauss--Newton and modified Newton algorithm using first derivatives (comprehensive) |
E04GYF | Unconstrained minimum of a sum of squares, combined Gauss--Newton and quasi-Newton algorithm, using first derivatives (easy-to-use) |
E04GZF | Unconstrained minimum of a sum of squares, combined Gauss--Newton and modified Newton algorithm using first derivatives (easy-to-use) |
E04HCF | Check user's routine for calculating first derivatives of function |
E04HDF | Check user's routine for calculating second derivatives of function |
E04HEF | Unconstrained minimum of a sum of squares, combined Gauss--Newton and modified Newton algorithm, using second derivatives (comprehensive) |
E04HYF | Unconstrained minimum of a sum of squares, combined Gauss--Newton and modified Newton algorithm, using second derivatives (easy-to-use) |
E04JYF | Minimum, function of several variables, quasi-Newton algorithm, simple bounds, using function values only (easy-to-use) |
E04KDF | Minimum, function of several variables, modified Newton algorithm, simple bounds, using first derivatives (comprehensive) |
E04KYF | Minimum, function of several variables, quasi-Newton algorithm, simple bounds, using first derivatives (easy-to-use) |
E04KZF | Minimum, function of several variables, modified Newton algorithm, simple bounds, using first derivatives (easy-to-use) |
E04LBF | Minimum, function of several variables, modified Newton algorithm, simple bounds, using first and second derivatives (comprehensive) |
E04LYF | Minimum, function of several variables, modified Newton algorithm, simple bounds, using first and second derivatives (easy-to-use) |
E04MFF | LP problem (dense) |
E04MGF | Read optional parameter values for E04MFF from external file |
E04MHF | Supply optional parameter values to E04MFF |
E04MZF | Converts MPSX data file defining LP or QP problem to format required by E04NKF |
E04NCF | Convex QP problem or linearly-constrained linear least-squares problem (dense) |
E04NDF | Read optional parameter values for E04NCF from external file |
E04NEF | Supply optional parameter values to E04NCF |
E04NFF | QP problem (dense) |
E04NGF | Read optional parameter values for E04NFF from external file |
E04NHF | Supply optional parameter values to E04NFF |
E04NKF | LP or QP problem (sparse) |
E04NLF | Read optional parameter values for E04NKF from external file |
E04NMF | Supply optional parameter values to E04NKF |
E04UCF | Minimum, function of several variables, sequential QP method, nonlinear constraints, using function values and optionally first derivatives (forward communication, comprehensive) |
E04UDF | Read optional parameter values for E04UCF or E04UFF from external file |
E04UEF | Supply optional parameter values to E04UCF or E04UFF |
E04UFF | Minimum, function of several variables, sequential QP method, nonlinear constraints, using function values and optionally first derivatives (reverse communication, comprehensive) |
E04UGF | NLP problem (sparse) |
E04UHF | Read optional parameter values for E04UGF from external file |
E04UJF | Supply optional parameter values to E04UGF |
E04UNF | Minimum of a sum of squares, nonlinear constraints, sequential QP method, using function values and optionally first derivatives (comprehensive) |
E04UQF | Read optional parameter values for E04UNF from external file |
E04URF | Supply optional parameter values to E04UNF |
E04XAF | Estimate (using numerical differentiation) gradient and/or Hessian of a function |
E04YAF | Check user's routine for calculating Jacobian of first derivatives |
E04YBF | Check user's routine for calculating Hessian of a sum of squares |
E04YCF | Covariance matrix for nonlinear least-squares problem (unconstrained) |
E04ZCF | Check user's routines for calculating first derivatives of function and constraints |